The Sustainability Lens is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Note from the Founder

Hi, I’m Pareena Gupta—a high school student driven by a passion for sustainability and climate action.

I noticed a big problem: sustainability research is often buried in jargon and complex language, making it hard for the public to understand. Confusing media coverage and unclear policies only add to the challenge, slowing the momentum for real change.

That’s where The Sustainability Lens comes in. This platform bridges the gap between data and understanding, turning complex environmental research into clear, actionable insights.

We're here to remove the barriers—of confusion, lack of understanding, misinformation, or overwhelming complexity—that might prevent non-expert audiences from taking climate action. By simplifying complex climate topics, effective communication empowers people to feel confident and take informed decisions. When people truly understand the issues, they’re motivated to act—making sustainable choices that foster lasting change.

Combining my passion for sustainability, journalism, math, and data, I’m on a mission to promote climate literacy¹. A climate-literate population doesn’t just understand the causes and impacts of climate change—it evaluates evidence, navigates risks, explores solutions, and takes bold, informed action.

Join us in tackling the ‘fierce urgency’² of the climate crisis. Together, we can devise innovative solutions and build a sustainable future for everyone. Let’s turn knowledge into action!

Pareena Gupta

Founder & Executive Director


1. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Climate Literacy: A Guide to Climate Change Education (2024): 2, Climate literacy refers to an understanding of how the climate system works, how human actions influence the climate, and how climate, in turn, affects people and other parts of the Earth system.

2. Martin Luther King Jr., "I Have a Dream" speech.